About Viral Bikes
Viral Bikes sole mission is to create the best riding bikes on the planet and deliver them to you in a way that absolutely exceeds your expectations. Not too lofty, right? How does a small company do that, especially with the big dogs and their unlimited resources? By being smart, working smart, and devoting every single decision to ‘how can I make this bike or the consumers experience better?’ We scrutinize, break, redo, remake, and try again. We agonize over the little things, even something as trivial as the angle or placement of a cable guide. Nothing is too small and no detail is overlooked. Our goal is lofty, but our dedication shows through on every Viral Bikes product we sell. We want to maximize your experience from beginning to end, and redefine how the industry and the consumer interact. Viral is about the ride, but it’s also about the infectious way you are treated from the moment you call to the moment you receive your brand new Viral Bike, and past that in the way that we take care of you, should you ever have a question, concern, or issue.
At Viral Bikes, the design means everything, but so do you. We want to create a revolution around our brand, and build a culture that includes every single one of you, our customers, as a member of our very Viral family. We hope you come along for the ride, it’s going to be a fun one!

We know how much people like to touch and feel a product before making a significant purchase like a Viral frame. We hope you get that opportunity during one of our demo days, events, or festivals we attend, but if you live outside of those areas and are purchasing a Viral Bikes frame directly from the web site, we understand the leap of faith you are taking with our product. For that we thank you, and to honor that commitment, we offer a no questions asked 30 day money back guarantee (please see terms and conditions for more details). Get your frame, put it together and ride it for a month. If it’s not everything you expected it to be, we will take it back, no questions asked (well, we might send you an email inquiring about why you didn’t like the bike and would appreciate your outright honesty. Customer feedback is critical to our continued desire to make the very best products).
We believe in our products and we back them up with customer service that speaks to our commitment to make the best bikes in the world. We believe in them so much that we’re willing to let you ride one risk free for a month. We know you’ll fall in love with it.
Meet our founder:
Steve Domahidy is a 35+ year veteran of the bicycling industry and has been a part of almost every cog in the wheel, pun intended. He started off as a bike shop rat, quickly became obsessed with all things bikes, and has an encyclopedic mind of milestones and products throughout the history of mountain biking. He first started consulting with Asian suppliers over full suspension designs in the late 90’s, having had the opportunity to travel to Asia through southern California’s bike chain Supergo. After becoming the in house brand manager for Supergo’s Weyless and Scattante brands and grown those brands to be Supergo’s second largest account behind Specialized, Steve took the massive leap of faith these things do and left the SoCal chain behind to Co-Found Niner Bikes with Chris Sugai in 2004.
Niner played a key roll in the adoption of the 29” wheel mountain bike and the evolution of the bike industry towards that end. When Steve and Chris founded Niner, the industry thought they had both suffered traumatic brain injuries, but Steve and Chris get the last laugh.
For 8 years, Steve was the Head of R&D and designed every single Niner frame that came to market until 2012, stepping away from the business he co-founded to pursue other passions. Quickly after, he helped launch Factor Bikes, then based in the UK, with British motorsport and engineering firm BF1 Systems. In 2013, Steve won the coveted GOLD IF Award for BOTH mountain bike AND road bike categories with the Niner Rip 9 RDO and the Factor Vis Vires, the bike that launched Factor (and later became the Factor One).
Steve spent four years in Bend, Oregon helping to open the US carbon factory for Argonaut Cycles, patenting their molding technology and designing both the RM3 road bike and GR3 gravel bike.
Steve Domahidy
Steve has touched a lot of different products for a lot of different companies and will forever have a hand in the changing landscape of bikes and the bicycle industry. Viral is just an extension of his desire to continually evolve, refine, and re-define what bikes can be. His passion for the sport, perseverance, and unflappable determination to learn have cultivated a serial entrepreneur who isn’t afraid to break boundaries. As long as he’s breathing, he’ll be thinking of the next best mousetrap. Whether it be mountain bikes, road bikes, gravel bikes, or even city bikes, Steve’s brain is always churning with new and interesting ideas to bring to the table.